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    Produits associés au mot-clé génétique néerlandaise

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    Swagman Roll Poncho (Multicam)
    Swagman Roll Poncho (Multicam)
    En stock
    Once upon a time, the trappers, the trekkers and even the soldiers did not carry sleeping bags. They carried blanket rolls. Up until very recently, wool was the best blanket material. Then, still several decades ago, Nylon fabrics came into being. During the Vietnam War, there appeared a new blanket & the Poncho Liner. Ultra lightweight blanket doubling as warming liner for rain-protection poncho. In Australian slang 'swagman' means a travelling workman. Something like American cowboy or a trapper, occasionally on a lookout for a work on the Frontier. The difference was, the Australian swagman was traveling on foot, and carried all his belongings in a bed roll. With our Swagman Roll® we salute these intrepid men, trembling on chilly mornings in their moist blankets & but with our Swagman Roll® you'll never have to emulate that particular part of their lifestyle. It is made of thin Nylon fabric, filled with one of the best insulating materials mankind ever dreamed of & the Climashield® Apex™. Swagman Roll® is not your ordinary blanket. It is more of a multifunction tool, applicable wherever a warm cover is required. You can use it a poncho liner, emergency sleeping bag, enhance your regular sleeping bag with it, wrap in it as if it was a blanket, line your hammock with it & or just wear as a stand-alone long, warm coat.
    € 189,90
        Pillow X (Recon)
        Pillow X (Recon)
        En stock
        Klymit Pillow X Recon.
        € 24,90
            Swagman Roll Poncho (Black)
            Swagman Roll Poncho (Black)
            En stock
            Helikon Swagman Roll Poncho (Black).
            € 149,90
                Mosquito Net Bell Midge Proof
                Care Plus
                Mosquito Net Bell Midge Proof
                En stock
                Een tekenbeet voel je nauwelijks en daarin schuilt het gevaar. Hoe sneller de teek verwijderd wordt, hoe kleiner de kans dat de teek je besmet heeft.
                € 54,90
                    Travel Pillow (Woodland)
                    Travel Pillow (Woodland)
                    En stock
                    Carinthia Travel Pillow (Woodland).
                    € 35,90
                        Travel Pillow (Multicam)
                        Travel Pillow (Multicam)
                        En stock
                        Carinthia Travel Pillow (Multicam).
                        € 35,90
                            Compression Bag (Black)
                            Compression Bag (Black)
                            En stock
                            Carinthia Compression Bag (Black).
                            € 22,90
                                Compression Bag (Olive)
                                Compression Bag (Olive)
                                En stock
                                Carinthia Compression Bag (Olive).
                                € 27,90
                                    Travel Pillow (Black)
                                    Travel Pillow (Black)
                                    En stock
                                    Carinthia Travel Pillow (Black).
                                    € 19,90
                                        Travel Pillow (Multicam Black)
                                        Travel Pillow (Multicam Black)
                                        En stock
                                        Carinthia Travel Pillow (Multicam Black).
                                        € 35,90
                                            Luxe Camping Pillow (Grey)
                                            Luxe Camping Pillow (Grey)
                                            En stock
                                            Klymit Luxe Camping Pillow (Grey).
                                            € 59,90
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