Rapé Kuntanawa Capim Santo 7g, a refined Amazonian shamanic herbal powder for relaxation and spiritual purification. Order now at Novus Fumus' Shamanshop for a unique and healing experience!
Discover Indian Spirit Rapé Veia de Pajé, from the Amazon region. This sacred vine, prized by the Kuntanawa tribe, repels negative energy and attracts positive ones. Available in 5g and 10g.
Experience Rapé Kuntanawa Tipy 7g, an authentic Amazonian shamanic herbal powder for deep meditation and spiritual connection. Order now at Novus Fumus' Shamanshop for a unique and enriching experience!
Experience Rapé Kuntanawa Kapaxanba 7g, an authentic Amazonian shamanic herbal powder for heightened awareness and energy. Order now at Novus Fumus' Shamanshop for a unique and inspiring experience!