Kuntanawa Ayarapé rapé is made with tobacco leaves sprayed with Ayahuasca. Ideal for deeper ayahuasca ceremonies and strengthening the connection. Available in 5g and 10g. This powerful blend contains no psychoactive substances.
Indian Spirit Rapé - Yawanawa Tsunu: Awakening, clarity and cleansing with sacred Tsuni tree ash and secret ingredients. A traditional Amazonian rapé variety for ceremonies and rituals
Discover the powerful and beautiful Nukini Onça rapé, also known as Nukini Jaguar rapé. Crafted by the best Rapé master of the Nukini people. Available in 5 and 10 grams for an authentic spiritual experience.
Discover Indian Spirit Rapé Veia de Pajé, from the Amazon region. This sacred vine, prized by the Kuntanawa tribe, repels negative energy and attracts positive ones. Available in 5g and 10g.