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    Indian Spirit
    Rapé - Nukini Rosa Branca
    In stock
    Discover the heart-opening Indian Spirit Rapé – Nukini Rosa Branca. Created by the Nukini tribe with sabiá, tsunu ash and white rose petals, this unique blend offers a deeply spiritual experience. Available in 5g and 10g.
    € 20,00
        Indian Spirit
        Rapé Huni Kuin Cumaru
        In stock
        Indian Spirit Rapé Huni Kuin Cumaru is a popular Black Rapé, valued for its protection against negative energies and spirits. Medicinal properties help with various diseases. Available in 5 and 10 grams.
        € 20,00


            McMystic: Mystical herbs, seeds and extracts for relaxation and stimulation

            • McMystic offers an extensive collection of mystical herbs, seeds and extracts that have been traditionally used for their special properties.

            • Kratom, native to Southeast Asia, is known for its stimulating and relaxing effects, depending on the dosage.

            • Kanna, a versatile product, can improve feelings, increase energy, reduce anxiety and even improve libido.

            • Cacti, especially San Pedro and Peyote, contain Mescaline, a substance with enormous psychedelic potential that can induce intense sensory and visual experiences.

            • LSA-containing seeds, such as Yopo, Baby Hawaiian Woodrose, Morning glory and Ololiuqui, were used by indigenous peoples to obtain colorful revelations.

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