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By Willy van Knippenberg, 2 august 2022

What is Herbal XTC?

Herbal XTC, also known as legal XTC, is gaining popularity among partygoers as a safer alternative to MDMA-based ecstasy. The product claims to provide a similar effect to real XTC but without the harmful effects on the body. But what exactly is herbal XTC, and does it work?

Unlike MDMA-based ecstasy, herbal XTC does not contain MDMA but instead contains a blend of herbs, caffeine, and taurine. These substances are said to have a stimulating effect that mimics the effects of XTC. However, it's important to note that the effects of herbal XTC are not as intense as those of real XTC.

But does herbal XTC work? According to user experiences, the answer is yes. However, most users agree that the effects of herbal XTC are not as strong as real XTC. Many users also report having to take more than the recommended amount to feel the effects.

Some users have reported feeling euphoria and an XTC-like experience with herbal XTC, while others have reported feeling nothing at all. It's important to note that the effects of herbal XTC can vary depending on the strain and ingredients used.

Despite the mixed reviews, herbal XTC is still considered a safer alternative to real XTC as it does not contain MDMA. It's also legal, which means that you don't have to worry about getting into trouble with the law.

In conclusion, herbal XTC may not be as potent as real XTC, but it can still provide a mild stimulant effect that can be enjoyable for some. If you're curious about herbal XTC, it's worth trying it out for yourself. Just remember to start with the recommended dosage and be aware of any potential side effects.

Herbal XTC

Because there can be different substances in it, you also get different effects.  So try it yourself, then you will find out if you like it. In any case, we can assure you of one thing: it is a lot better for your body than normal XTC. And damn legal!