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By Novus Fumus, 19 june 2023

H4CBD: The New Wonder of the Cannabinoid World

Welcome to Novus Fumus, your trusted online smartshop. Today, we want to introduce you to an emerging star in the world of cannabinoids: H4CBD. This article will help you gain a better understanding of H4CBD, its effects, and how it relates to other cannabinoids such as HHC and THC. Let's get started!

What is H4CBD?

Hexahydrocannabidiol (H4CBD) is a synthesized cannabinoid created by converting the two carbon-carbon double bonds in the limonene portion of CBD into single bonds through the addition of four hydrogen atoms. This process, known as hydrogenation, is very similar to the one used to make margarine from vegetable oil.

Hexahydrocannabidiol (H4CBD) is a type of cannabinoid, a group of compounds primarily found in the cannabis plant. This particular version is created in a laboratory, much like someone would create a new recipe in the kitchen. The base ingredient, CBD, is slightly modified by adding four additional hydrogen particles. This changes the structure of CBD, just as the final product of a recipe changes when ingredients are added or altered.

The process used to do this is called hydrogenation, similar to how margarine is made from vegetable oil. So, just as you can turn vegetable oil into margarine by cooking it and adding some extra ingredients, CBD is transformed into H4CBD by adding some additional hydrogen.

What does H4CBD do?

H4CBD is a substance that still holds many mysteries. Like CBD, H4CBD is a component found in the cannabis plant. What makes H4CBD special is that it appears to have a stronger interaction with a specific part of our brains called CB1 neuroreceptors.

These CB1 neuroreceptors play a crucial role in the functioning of many different substances, including those found in the cannabis plant. When a substance has a high "affinity" for these receptors, it means that the substance easily binds to these receptors, resulting in a reaction in the body.

People who use H4CBD often experience a similar effect to using CBD. However, there is an important difference: H4CBD seems to have a more potent influence on how we think and feel, an effect we call "psychoactivity." This means that thoughts may feel clearer, different, or altered, an experience often associated with the use of certain medications or drugs.

It is important to emphasize that these experiences can vary greatly from person to person, and further research is needed to fully understand how H4CBD works. This will also allow us to better assess the potential benefits and risks of H4CBD.

What is the difference between H4CBD and HHC?

While H4CBD and HHC are both hydrogenated forms of CBD and THC, respectively, they are not the same. H4CBD is believed to show greater activity at CB1 receptors compared to CBD, while HHC is generally considered somewhat weaker than conventional THC. Both examples demonstrate how hydrogenation can modulate the potency of a substance.

H4CBD and HHC are both substances that arise when CBD and THC, respectively, are combined with hydrogen, a process known as "hydrogenation." However, they are not the same substance, despite both being a hydrogenated version of their original form.

H4CBD, the hydrogenated form of CBD, is believed to interact more strongly with specific components of cells called CB1 receptors. These receptors are a kind of "listening post" on the surface of cells that receive signals and instruct the cells on how to respond. The fact that H4CBD acts more strongly on these receptors than CBD would imply a stronger effect.

On the other hand, there's HHC, the hydrogenated form of THC. Unlike H4CBD, HHC is generally seen as less potent than regular THC. This means it likely won't have the same strong effects as THC, which many people associate with the "high" of cannabis.

These two examples illustrate how adding hydrogen to a substance, a process called hydrogenation, can change the way that substance works. This is an important concept as it helps us understand how small changes in chemical structures can cause significant changes in how these substances affect our bodies.

Is H4CBD legal?

The legality of cannabinoids, both synthetic and natural, is currently a subject of significant debate. Generally, cannabinoids that are not delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol are considered industrial hemp under the 2018 Farm Bill. Additionally, the FDA has not yet produced meaningful regulations to guide the rapidly growing online cannabinoid industry.

Does H4CBD cause a high?

It would not be entirely accurate to say that H4CBD gets you high. However, this cannabinoid certainly doesn't offer the effects typically associated with CBD. Based on limited preliminary research and anecdotal testimony, it appears that taking H4CBD feels like taking a large dose of CBD alongside a small dose of THC.

H4CBD is a substance derived from the cannabis plant, but it doesn't have the exact same effects as some other substances from the same plant.

One of those other substances is CBD, which stands for cannabidiol. CBD is known for its calming and pain-relieving effects, but it doesn't cause the intoxication or "high" feeling that you might associate with smoking cannabis.

Another substance found in cannabis is THC, which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is the compound responsible for the well-known intoxication or "high" effect.

Based on limited preliminary research and anecdotal stories, it appears that taking H4CBD feels like taking a large dose of CBD, so you may experience the calming and pain-relieving effects. Additionally, it seems to contain a small amount of THC because some people experience a slight intoxication, but not as strong as when you consume THC itself.

Please note that all of this is based on limited research and personal testimonies. More research is needed to truly understand how H4CBD works and what effects it may have.

H4CBD products at Novus Fumus

At Novus Fumus, we offer a range of H4CBD products, including H4CBD Vapes and H4CBD Gummies. These products are designed to help you enjoy the benefits of H4CBD in an easy and enjoyable way.

At Novus Fumus, we proudly offer a diverse range of products that contain H4CBD, such as H4CBD Vapes and H4CBD Gummies. These products are carefully crafted to introduce you to the benefits of H4CBD in a simple and enjoyable way. Whether you prefer the convenience of Vapes or the playful taste of Gummies, we have something that suits you perfectly.

Feel free to explore our website, discover our full range, and find the product that best suits you. We look forward to assisting you with your H4CBD experience. Visit us today and discover the difference Novus Fumus can make.

H4CBD Vapes

Our H4CBD Vapes are perfect for those looking for a quick and effective way to consume H4CBD. They are easy to use and provide rapid absorption of H4CBD into your system. Plus, they come in various flavors so you can choose what suits your taste best.

Our H4CBD Vapes are perfect for people looking for an easy and quick way to use H4CBD. These devices work very simply: you inhale through them, allowing the H4CBD to enter your body quickly. This is one of the fastest ways to get H4CBD into

your system.

Additionally, we have them available in various flavors. Whether you prefer fruity, sweet, or perhaps something savory, there's always a flavor that suits you. This makes using our H4CBD vaporizers not only beneficial but also enjoyable.

For those who are new to the world of H4CBD, rest assured: our vaporizers are designed to be user-friendly, even for beginners. So whether you're experienced with H4CBD or just starting out, our H4CBD vaporizers are a great choice for anyone looking to efficiently benefit from H4CBD.

H4CBD Gummies

For those who prefer a tasty treat, we offer H4CBD Gummies. These gummies are not only delicious but also a fun and easy way to get your daily dose of H4CBD. They are perfect for on-the-go and can be consumed at any time of the day.

Check out our H4CBD products and discover the power of H4CBD today!


H4CBD is an emerging star in the world of cannabinoids. While still a relatively new product, it has already gained attention due to its potentially higher psychoactivity compared to conventional CBD. At Novus Fumus, we are proud to offer a range of high-quality H4CBD products, allowing you to explore the benefits of this exciting new cannabinoid for yourself.

Remember that, as with any new supplement, it is important to start with a low dose and gradually increase to see how your body responds. And as always, if you have any questions about H4CBD or any of our other products, we are here to help.

Discover the power of H4CBD today at Novus Fumus, your trusted online smartshop.

H4CBD is a new addition to the family of cannabinoids, and it's already making a positive impression. It stands out for its potentially stronger effects compared to traditional CBD.

At Novus Fumus, we proudly offer a range of high-quality H4CBD products, allowing you to discover the potential benefits of this newcomer.

We do want to emphasize that, just like with any new supplement, it is recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it. This gives your body time to adjust and allows you to observe how you respond to it. If you have any questions about H4CBD or any of our other products, we are always here to help.

Novus Fumus is your trusted online smartshop, focused on quality and customer satisfaction. Try the potential benefits of H4CBD today and discover why so many people are excited about it.